
Cosmetics help people develop confidence and courage.
That's why we put all our passion into cosmetics,
offering a wide variety of valuable products developed
through cutting-edge scientific research with the hope
of satisfying
the individual needs of our customers.
Areas of Business and Major Brands
The KOSÉ Group focuses mainly on the manufacturing and marketing of cosmetics. Its strength lies in its unique and high-value exclusive cosmetics. Our policy is to offer original and valuable products in all of our brand categories, particularly in the high-prestige and prestige brands, which are characterized by high added value, as well as the cosmetaries* brands, which offer inexpensive and affordable products, mainly in the self-service category.
* Cosmetaries: A coined word combining “cosmetics” and “toiletries”
The Highest Levels of Quality and ServiceA group of top-quality brands developed by integrating all of KOSÉ’s cutting-edge technologies. They are sold at stores that distribute exclusive brands, including specialty cosmetics stores, department stores, and so on.
KOSÉ’s specially trained beauty staff offer fine-tuned counseling, including skin diagnosis, to help each customer select the most suited products. -
High-Value-Added Cosmetics for EveryoneA group of brands that offer high-value-added cosmetics for customer segments in wider range of distribution channels including cosmetics stores, mass merchandisers, and drugstores. This group includes such brands as SEKKISEI, ESPRIQUE and ONE BY KOSÉ.
For Daily Life One Step Above the RestA group of self-service brands, including cosmetics and toiletries such as shampoo and conditioners, which are developed using the same approach as the one used to develop cosmetics. We call this category of products “cosmetaries.” We offer high-quality products at reasonable prices through mass retailers, drugstores, convenience stores and other retail outlets.