INITIATIVE 2: Addressing Diverse Personalities

Creating an environment where people with disabilities and people without disabilities work together

Workplace designed for easy wheelchair access (ADVANCE: KOSÉ’s special subsidiary company)

KOSÉ is working to create an environment in which people with disabilities and people without disabilities can work energetically while playing their respective roles. Based on their motivation and aptitude, employees with disabilities are assigned to various departments and work with other employees without disabilities. When professional support is needed, we have a system that allows employees to consult with occupational life counselors for people with disabilities or industrial physicians without hesitation. We have also set up health consultation desks outside the company to create an environment where employees can work with peace of mind.
At ADVANCE, a special subsidiary established for the first time as a cosmetics company, people with disabilities and people without disabilities collaborate to fulfill the same mission.

Becoming a company everybody can play active role regardless of nationality

In addition to our overseas subsidiaries operating in various countries and regions, we employ diverse human resources in Japan, regardless of nationality. We also regularly conduct personnel exchanges on a global basis to nurture a corporate culture and establish a foundation that enables employees to play an active role regardless of nationality.

We have implemented a policy that supports employees through a mentorship program that starts after a certain period has elapsed since joining the company to enable each employee to settle into the workplace smoothly regardless of their diverse cultural background and allow them to contribute their skills.
When hiring foreign nationals in Japan, we employ them in compliance with the immigration control system such as the status of residence. After joining KOSÉ, we treat them appropriately in accordance with our rules of employment.
There are no employees hired under the Specified Technical Intern Training Program at our Group.

Creating an environment that utilizes diverse experiences

Multifaceted ideas based on diverse backgrounds are the source of innovation. In addition to newly hired employees, employees with various backgrounds and working conditions, such as mid-career hires, fixed-term contract employees, temporary employees, and temporary staff, work as teams in each department. We are also working to establish a system that enables employees to demonstrate a variety of careers by empowering them to make career changes under certain conditions.
We have also introduced a “job return system” for employees who wish to return to work after leaving the company for reasons such as family or self-improvement.
We take appropriate measures for employment and working environment in accordance with the Worker Dispatching Law and other laws and regulations.

<Ratio of mid-career hires among non-regular employees>

Company 2021 2022 2023
KOSÉ Corporation 44.2 63.4 64.7
KOSÉ Sales 3.3 11.6 38.5
Albion 9.0 81.3 81.0
KOSÉ Industries 0 100.0 83.3


Workplace where people of all ages can be active

We have introduced a reemployment system for retired employees so that they can continue to work in accordance with their motivation and abilities by making use of their years of experience in various fields. We also offer life planning seminars for employees in their 50s and opportunities to understand various systems for mandatory retirement so that they can make their own life choices.
We offer opportunities for rehiring retired employees who wish to continue working, allowing them to pass on their knowledge and skills as experienced workers to the new generation as a system that enhances the motivation to work.
In addition, in order to nurture a spirit of challenge, we have created a corporate culture in which employees can take on work regardless of age. For example, we assign responsibility to young employees and implement an innovation creation program “Link*” that is integrated with an accelerator program.

Link(Leadership and Innovation program for New KOSÉ): In-house venture system established in 2017

Supporting the balancing of diverse life and career plans

In order to ensure that each and every employee can exercise his or her abilities to the fullest with peace of mind, we have introduced a variety of systems aimed at balancing work with family and self-improvement, such as paid leave by the hour and shorter working hours, to enable employees to work in accordance with their life events and life plans.

Initiatives to maximize employees’ skills

In 2017, we introduced a trial telecommuting system for employees who have a desire to work but are unable to exercise their full abilities in places and times, such as when raising children, caring for family members, or being sick or injured. In 2019, the scope of the system was expanded to include individual offices. Under the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, from the viewpoint of protecting the health of employees, we successfully implemented a work from home system* throughout the company. We will continue to implement the WFH system regardless of the reason.
We currently recommend a workstyle that incorporates the advantages of both in-person and remote work aimed at encouraging internal communication.

Excluding production sites and some employees working at stores.

Development of educational environment utilizing digital tools

Online New Product Education

We have created an in-house educational environment that utilizes our proprietary digital content, with a focus on sales persons and beauty consultants at stores. By combining group training with online programs, not only can we efficiently acquire knowledge tailored to each employee’s role, but by providing an educational environment that does not limit the time, place, or number of employees, we can quickly share information throughout the company.
Now, we use our original digital content to provide product information and other information not only within the company but also to our distributors/dealers.

Flexible working hours

In order to support flexible working styles, we have introduced a flextime system for employees at the head office and research centers. In addition, employees have flexible working hour options to maintain productivity while responding to various work styles, including not only time restrictions due to family reasons such as childcare or nursing care, but also the diversification of working hours associated with globalization.

Use Case Purpose
Abolition of flextime system/core time Support for work styles according to business and life events
Expanding the scope of the offices subject to the flextime system Company-wide rectification of long working hours
Staggered commuting Supporting work styles based on life events
Consideration for employees’ health
Reduction of working hours for childcare, nursing care, hospital visits, etc. Supporting work styles based on life events
Raising awareness of time management
Introduction of a full-day, half-day, and hourly paid leave system Supporting diverse workstyles

Diversity & Inclusion