Sustainability Data

Note: Due to a change in the accounting period, data after fiscal 2021 covers the months of January through December. For previous fiscal years, fiscal year data was for April through the following March.


Values marked with ☑ have been verified by a third party.

2020 2021 2022 2023 Company
■ Human Capital
Basic Information
Number of employees (female/male) 11,889/2,332 11,726/2,257 10,997/2,182 10,703/2,113 KOSÉ Group*1
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Average length of service (years) 11.9 11.4 12.1 12.7 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Number of new graduates hired to regular full-time positions (female/male) 71/47 40/24 22/14 27/20 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
(as at 1 April of each year)
Employee turnover among new graduates within 3 years (%) 10.0 7.3 10.0 10.9 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Turnover rate <management and non-management positions (excluding beauty experts)> (%) 2.3 3.4 3.7 3.5 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Turnover rate for Beauty Consultants (%) 8.5 8.3 11.4 11.3 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Total turnover rate (%) 6.3 6.9 8.7 8.5 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Turnover rate due to personal reasons <management and non-management positions (excluding beauty experts)> (%) 3.2 3.6 3.4 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Turnover due to personal reasons for Beauty Consultants (%) 8.3 10.3 11.3 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Total turnover rate due to personal reasons (%) 6.8 8.6 8.5 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Diversity & Inclusion
Ratio of outside directors (%) 35.7 35.7 35.7 37.5 KOSÉ Corporation
(At the end of each annual general meeting of shareholders)
Ratio of female employees in the board of directors (%) 28.6 28.6 28.6 37.5 KOSÉ Corporation
(At the end of each annual general meeting of shareholders)
Ratio of female employees in managerial positions (%) 26.6 28.8 28.9 ☑31.1 KOSÉ Group
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Ratio of female employees in leadership positions*2 (%) 33.6 34.7 35.2 33.2 KOSÉ Group
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Gender Wage Gap *11(% of women to men) <Management positions> 99.9 96.2 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*13
(as of 31 December)
Gender Wage Gap (% of women to men) <non-management positions> 89.0 82.1 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*13
(as of 31 December)
Gender Wage Gap (% of women to men) <Beauty experts> 90.0 87.6 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*13
(as of 31 December)
Gender Wage Gap (% of women to men) <Total above>*12 70.1 54.2 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*13
(as of 31 December)
Proportion of employees who took childcare leave (female/male) (%) 100.0/52.3 100.0/67.1 100.0/88.2 ☑100.0/☑82.4 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
Return rate following childcare leave (female/male) (%) 98.7/100.0 96.9/100.0 96.7/100.0 97.2/100.0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
Number of employees working shortened hours for childcare 475 501 623 643 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Number of employees taking extended leave for family care 4 11 5 6 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of employees taking paid leave for family care 5 15 12 15 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
Number of employees working shortened hours for family care 5 5 3 3 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
Total number of participants in skill development & improvement training (persons) <management and non-management positions> 1,135 2,893 3,996 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*10
Total number of participants in skill development & improvement training (persons) <Beauty experts> 75,177 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Total number of participants in skill development & improvement training (persons) <Total above> 79,173 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Total number of participants in skill development & improvement training (total hour) <management and non-management positions> 20,624.5 50,386.0 38,289.0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*10
Total number of participants in skill development & improvement training (total hour) <Beauty experts> 542,905.0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Total number of participants in skill development & improvement training (total hour) <Total above> 581,194.0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Total number of participants in skill development & improvement training (average per person/hour) <management and non-management positions> 13.1 17.8 11.6 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*10
Total number of participants in skill development & improvement training (average per person/hour) <Beauty experts> 107.6 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Total number of participants in skill development & improvement training (average per person/hour) <Total above> 69.6 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Ratio of employees with disabilities (%) 2.21 2.22 2.41 2.39 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*6
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Number of rehired employees 251 261 317 337 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Health and Safety
Annual working hours
(average hours/employee)
1,643.5 1,637.4 1,709.4 1,697.0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*5
Annual overtime
(average hours/employee)
44.6 53.9 70.2 74.1 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Ratio of paid leave taken (%) 64.4 66.9 69.2 62.6 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Number of occupational accidents resulting in a leave of absence 52 31 33 19 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
Number of occupational accidents resulting in death 0 0 0 0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
Ratio of employees participating in health checks (%) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4
(as of 31 December from 2021)
Ratio of employees participating in stress checks (%) 85.8 92.3 90.9 95.7 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies*4・7
(as of 31 December from 2021)
■ Quality of Life Improvement
Number of general participants in sports events 470*8 0*8 2,448 15,471 KOSÉ Corporation
Support for cutaneous porphyria patients (people/number of products provided) 4/20 4/14 6/35 5/20 KOSÉ Corporation
■ Support for Women and Education
Number of schools accepted for company tours*3 (schools/students) 1/4*8 2/6*8 7/114 23/316 KOSÉ Corporation, ALBION CO., LTD.*14
Number of students provided with tuition support at girls’ junior high school in Tanzania (cumulative total since FY2017) 21 30 39 51 KOSÉ Corporation
Implementing education assistance in Madagascar.(Students) – *9 220 150 165 ALBION CO., LTD.

1:KOSÉ Group: KOSÉ Corporation and its 38 subsidiary companies, for a total of 39 companies 2:Leadership Position – Person(s) in a position with subordinate(s), or equivalent positions 3:Company Tour – A social tour for high school/junior high school students. 4:Scope to be expanded to domestic group companies from fiscal 2020 5:Includes paid leave, maternity leave, childcare leave, personal injury and illness leave, etc. 6:Starting in fiscal 2020, six companies that are obligated to employ people with disabilities will be covered. 7:Voluntary checkups 8:In FY2020 and FY2021, the number of cases implemented was reduced and the response cancelled due to the prevention of new coronavirus infections. 9:In FY2020, activities were suspended due to the prevention of new coronavirus infections. 10:From FY2022, the scope has been expanded to Group companies in Japan. 11: Calculated only on base salary. Excludes employees working shorter hours, those on leave, and those who joined or retired during the period. 12: There is no difference in the wages of men and women for equal work; overall differences occur due to differences in wage levels, gender composition, years of service, position, and grade by employment type. 13:Scope expanded to domestic group companies in FY2023; Only KOSÉ Corporation was covered in FY2022. 14:Albion was added in FY2023 ◎For the ratio of women in management positions, the gender wage gap, % of men taking parental leave, etc., see the Women’s Advancement Promotion Company Database of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

◎Some items of social data for FY2023 have been verified by a third party.

Detail data:

【FOR THE EARTH】Environmental KPIs

2020 2021 2022 2023 Company
CO2(GHG)Emissions(t-CO2* Total Emission
Scope1 7,375.1 7,270.0 6,405.8 5,991.2 KOSÉ Group
Scope2 Market-based 16,185.0 12,508.6 10,770.0 8,039.7 KOSÉ Group
Location-based 16,204.0 15,224.2 14,023.7 14,423.3
Scope3 TOTAL 668,951.0 720,632.7 668,982.9 763,994.6 KOSÉ Group
Category 1
 Purchased Product/Service
330,047.1 356,114.3 293,772.3 386,756.9
Category 2
 Capital Goods
25,550.8 11,328.3 17,171.8 16,042.0
Category 3
 Fuel and energy-related activities not included in SCOPE1&2
4,088.5 3,990.8 3,823.1 3,723.1
Category 4
 Transportation, distribution (upstream)
57,857.0 87,926.7 100,213.3 79,679.8
Category 5
 Waste generated in operations
3,760.2 4,193.9 3,554.8 3,225.8
Category 6
 Business trips
1,854.0 1,978.8 1,873.5 1,698.0
Category 7
 Commuting of Employees
4,742.0 4,628.2 3,892.2 3,584.1
Category 8
 Leased asset (upstream)
0 0 0 0 N/A
Category 9
 Transportation, distribution (downstream)
0 0 0 0 N/A
Category 10
 Processing of sold products
0 0 0 0 N/A
Category 11
 Usage of sold products
232,744.5 243,076.8 237,185.5 260,233.9
Category 12
 Disposal of sold products
8,676.8 7,395.0 7,496.5 9,051.0
Category 13
 Leased asset (downstream)
0 0 0 0 N/A
Category 14
0 0 0 0 N/A
Category 15
0 0 0 0 N/A
Energy Consumption(MWh)
Purchased power
35,630.2 34,534.1 32,059.0 32,377.5 KOSÉ Group
Portion generated using renewable energy 1,992.6 8,436.9 9,358.2 13,575.4
(In-house power generation)
2,422.5 2,755.3 2,076.1 1,773.0
Total Energy Consumption (GJ) 464,334.3 476,556.7 435,424.1 427,624.0 KOSÉ Group
City gas consumption (km3) 2,071.6 2,150.5 1,808.1 1,612.5 KOSÉ Group
LP gas consumption (km3) 13.8 14.2 14.1 14.8 KOSÉ Group
Gasoline consumption (kL) 770.4 726.5 726.2 721.6 KOSÉ Group
Fuel oil consumption (kL) 280.0 266.0 224.0 210.0 KOSÉ Group
Diesel oil consumption (kL) 9.3 13.6 18.3 43.2 KOSÉ Group
Kerosene consumption (kL) 104.7 57.0 50.9 47.6 KOSÉ Group
Atmospheric Emissions
NOx emissions (tons) 5.1 7.4 3.5 3.0 KOSÉ Corporation
Production Department
SOx emissions (tons) 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.3 KOSÉ Corporation
Production Department
Volume of waste (tons) 3,134 3,026 2,163*1 2,100 KOSÉ Group
Production Department
Recycling Rate (%) 99.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 KOSÉ Group
Production Department
Water Resources*2
Water intake
TOTAL 290.2 289.0 303.8 309.0 KOSÉ Group
Production Department
Surface water
(rivers, lakes, ponds)
0 0 0 0
Brackish water/Sea water 0 0 0 0
Well water (recyclable
ground water)
207.7 203.9 223.4 223.7
Unrecyclable ground water 0 0 0 0
Produced water
/mixed water
0 0 0 0
Tap water (third party
water source)
82.5 85.1 80.3 85.3

Waste water
TOTAL 198.9 203.1 187.0 194.9 KOSÉ Group
Production Department
(Freshwater, surface)
151.8 158.5 143.9 149.2
Sea 0 0 0 0
Ground water,
well water
0 0 0 0
Sewage (waste water
to third party)
47.1 44.7 43.1 45.7
Other 0 0 0 0
Water intake intensity
(m3/production amount, dozen)
0.01574 0.01509 0.01784 0.01790 KOSÉ Group
Production Department
Water intake intensity
(% change YoY)
-1.7% -4.1% 18.2% 0.3% KOSÉ Group
Production Department
Pollution load: BOD (tons) 8.6 9.5 7.9 11.2 KOSÉ Corporation
Production Department
Pollution load: SS (tons) 3.1 2.4 1.8 5.7 KOSÉ Corporation
Production Department
Pollution load: n-Hex (tons) 1.2 0.5 0.2 0.6 KOSÉ Corporation
Production Department
Number of Violations of Water Intake/Drainage Laws & Regulations 0 0 0 0 KOSÉ Group
Production Department
Environmental Contribution & Biodiversity Conservation
SAVE the BLUE project area planted with coral reefs
(m2/number of corals planted)

(Cum. Total up to FY2020:


(Cum. Total up to FY2021:


(Cum. Total up to FY2022:


(Cum. Total up to FY2023:

KOSÉ Corporation
External Environmental Evaluation
CDP【Climate Change】 A A A A KOSÉ Group
CDP【Water Security】 B A- A A KOSÉ Group
CDP【Forests (Palm Oil)】 B- B B A- KOSÉ Group

1:From FY2022, the data categories were reorganized. 2:100% coverage at domestic production sites from 2020 to 2023

◆ Only CO2, among other GHG, is the subject for KOSÉ.
◆ Obtained third-party verifications for GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3) and water-related data (intake, drainage, and consumption volume) for FY2020 – FY2023.

Read this for detail:


2020 2021 2022 2023 Company
Supply Chain
Risk Assessment (Questionnaire)
Number of Suppliers
123 148 157 161 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of Suppliers participated in
Procurement Policy Briefing
91 99 93 107 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of Suppliers Participated in Information Exchange Meetings 6 6 16 24 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of Suppliers & Manufacturers Subject to Inspection/Autid 39*1 36*1 89 113 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Research/International Exchange Grants
by KOSÉ Cosmetology Research Foundation
(Project/Million Yen)
43/14,600 37/13,900 30/14,050 44/15,600

(Cum. Total since FY1990: 

Donation & Funding
(Million Yen)*2
54,513 178,557 27,126 9,705 KOSÉ Group*4
Number of Local Beauty Seminars 12 11 11 29 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of Participates in Compliance Training 7,917 5,778 7,946 9,700 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of Reports/Calls for Compliance-Related Incident 69 93 105 115 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Of reports to the Reporting and Consultation Desk for Compliance, the number judged to be compliance violations (cases) 5 11 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Fines, surcharges and settlements related to corruption (10,000 yen) 0 0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Disciplinary dismissal and resignation due to compliance violations such as corruption (cases) 0 0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Disciplinary dismissal and resignation due to violation of human rights, harassment, etc. (cases) 0 0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of Violations of Laws & Regulations
(serious incidents with impact
on business management)
0 0 0 0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of violations of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act or the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Representations (cases) 0 0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of violations due to anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, monopolistic behavior, etc. (cases) 0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of violations of the Labor Standards Act (cases) 0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of violations of environmental laws and regulations (cases) 0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of Reports to Personal Information
Protection Commission for Personal
Information Leakage Incidents
5 0 2 0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Quality Assurance
Number of Customer Calls*3 75,298 74,039 78,853 91,304 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies
Number of Voluntary Recalls 0 2 0 0 KOSÉ Domestic Group Companies

1:Visiting activities have been reduced to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. 2:Donated products are converted into monetary values. 3:Customer calls include inquiries, requests, suggestions, and feedbacks 4:From FY2022, the scope has been expanded to the KOSÉ Group.

KOSÉ Sustainability Data Sheet (PDF File)

Sustainability Data Sheet (non-financial information) 2023(PDF:486KB)