Human Rights

Statement on Human Rights Policy and the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015)

Human Rights Policy

Based on the corporate message, “Wisdom and Beauty for People and the Earth,” the KOSÉ Group aims to realize a future in which everyone can play an active role with confidence, to preserve the global environment in which people can live with peace of mind, and to achieve “beauty for each and every one” around the world. As a prerequisite, we recognize that business activities that respect human rights are extremely important.
To this end, we formulated the “KOSÉ Group Action Guidelines” in 2005 and have been committed to respecting the human rights of all people associated with the KOSÉ Group, including employees, business partners, and customers, and to acting accordingly. Respect for human rights is promoted in all business activities. In procurement and purchasing, we have formulated “Sustainable Procurement Guidelines for Suppliers,” which complement the KOSÉ Group’s procurement policies, and have provided adequate explanations and an understanding of the actual situation so that our suppliers can promote initiatives that respect human rights at the same level as we do. In terms of the actions toward our employees and society, not only all employees make a pledge to comply with the Action Guidelines, but also a range of educational activities through annual compliance training are provided. In 2020, we formulated the “KOSÉ Group Human Rights Policy” with reference to international norms such as the United Nation’s “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” to further promote human rights initiatives in the “KOSÉ Group Action Guidelines”.
In addition, the KOSÉ Group is committed to preventing slave labor and human trafficking in the KOSÉ Group and its supply chain in accordance with Article 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act, and has disclosed a statement regarding this.

KOSÉ Group Human Rights Policy

Under the corporate message, “Creating Beauty in a Sustainable World”, the KOSÉ Group aims at realizing a sustainable society and global environment that will be passed on to the next generation through corporate activities.
In addition, our Behavioral Charter states that with the “Mind to Follow the Right Path”, we will act in accordance with ethics, observe laws and social norms, and respect the human rights of all people involved in the KOSÉ Group, and continue to be an honest and sincere company supported by customers and society.
The KOSÉ Group recognizes that it may affect human rights, directly or indirectly, in the course of conducting business. To fulfill our responsibility to respect the human rights of all persons involved in the business, we herein set forth the “KOSÉ Group Human Rights Policy” (hereinafter referred to as the “policy”) and are committed to the basic rights of all.

  • 1. Basic Concept

    The KOSÉ Group recognizes the importance of respecting human rights in all activities, as a company that is a part of society, based on our Behavioral Charter. The KOSÉ Group views the United Nations’ “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)” as the framework for its implementation, and supports and respects the following international principles in its business activities.

    • United Nations “International Bill of Human Rights” (such as the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”, and the “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”)
    • The core labor standards and the conventions on human rights regarding wages and working hours based on OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ILO (International Labor Organization) “Tripartite Declaration of Principles on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration)”, and “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.”
    • UN General Assembly Resolution “UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”
    • The ten principles of the UN Global Compact
    • UNICEF, UN Global Compact, Save the Children “Children’s Rights and Business Principles”
  • 2. Scope of Application

    This policy applies to all officers and employees of the KOSÉ Group. We also request that all business partners related to KOSÉ Group products and services support this policy and respect human rights.

  • 3. Respect for Human Rights

    The KOSÉ Group recognizes that business activities in all value chains cannot completely eliminate any potential negative impact on those involved. We will ensure that our business activities do not infringe on the human rights of those affected, and that any negative impacts that arise from our business activities should be addressed in an appropriate manner in order to fulfill our responsibility of respect for all humans.

  • 4. Human Rights Due Diligence

    The KOSÉ Group will establish a human rights due diligence system to identify any negative impacts of the KOSÉ Group on human rights and society, and to work towards mitigation and/or prevention of these effects.

  • 5. Dialogue and Consultation

    The KOSÉ Group will engage in dialogue and consultation with stakeholders in the process of implementing this policy utilizing independent, external human rights experts.

  • 6. Education and Training

    The KOSÉ Group will provide appropriate education and training to ensure that this policy is incorporated into all of our business activities and implemented effectively.

  • 7. Remedies

    If it is clear that KOSÉ Group’s business activities have caused a negative impact on human rights, or if involvement in such impact through business relations is evident or suspected, we will work on relief through dialogue and appropriate procedures based on international standards.

  • 8. Person Responsible*

    The KOSÉ Group will clarify the officer responsible for implementing this policy and ensuring its effectiveness.

  • 9. Information Disclosure

    The Kosé Group will disclose, on its website, the progress and results of its efforts to spread respect for human rights.

  • 10. Applicable Laws

    The KOSÉ Group complies with the laws and regulations of each country or region where we do business. Where there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws of each country, we will seek ways to maximize respect for international human rights principles.

This policy has been approved by the company’s board of directors and signed by President and Representative Director KOBAYASHI Kazutoshi.

Kazutoshi Kobayashi President & CEO KOSÉ Corporation

Organizational Promotion System for Respect for Human Rights

A subcommittee to promote human rights has been established under the “Sustainability Promotion Committee” which is chaired by the President and Representative Director and overseen by the “Sustainability Committee” which is made up of the Board of Directors’ participating directors and executive officers, to study and implement measures to respect human rights. It is mainly promoted by departments dedicated to sustainability, departments in charge of procurement, and the human resources department.

*Responsibility for implementing the KOSÉ Group Human Rights Policy
・Responsibilities for supervision: Executive Director in charge of the administrative department and the board of directors
・Execution: Head of Human Resources and related departments
・Daily monitoring and supervision: Head of each department and managers
・Governance system: “Sustainability Committee” and “Sustainability Promotion Committee” under its umbrella