R&D Philosophy
The fusion of intelligence, sensuousness and reliability creates a culture and values that embody a distinctive beauty.

Develop skin-friendly ingredients and materials.
Develop formulations that maximize the function and effects of these ingredients
Pursue improved feeling of use and better functionality and
aim to develop cosmetic products that people will continue to use.
In product development place the highest priority on quality and safety

Our mission is to use cosmetics to bring people joy and peace of mind and help them live a fulfilling life. The pursuit of the fundamental values of sensuousness, intelligence and reliability is embedded in our research and development and key to our efforts to achieve this mission. The basic concept underpinning everything we do is to create a uniquely beautiful culture through the high-level integration of these three values and to supply good, high-quality products, just as KOSÉ’s founder intended. Our aim is to create high value-added cosmetic products with an emphasis on timely and original research to contribute to KOSÉ’s never-ending growth.
Laboratory Vision
Be constantly producing “good things” for customers through innovation that reaches beyond conventional thinking and assumptions, thereby serving as a driving force to expand the number of avid supporters of KOSÉ in Japan, throughout Asia, and around the world.