Our Support Activities in Large Scale Disasters and Emergencies:2020
KOSÉ Group provides support to meet the different circumstantial needs to areas damaged by large scale disaster and we wish for the early restoration and reconstruction.
- Response to pneumonia caused by new coronavirus
- Medical personnel support project “You are my HERO”
Decenmber 21, 2020
Donation of 150,000 cosmetics to medical personnel
– A promotional video was also released, featuring AMURO Namie’s “Hero.” –
We would like to express our deepest condolences to those who have lost their lives due to the new coronavirus infection and our heartfelt sympathy to those who have suffered. We would also like to express our profound gratitude and respect for the medical personnel working selflessly to provide treatment and prevent infection on the frontlines of medical care, where the situation is still very strained with no sign of the infection subsiding.
KOSÉ Corporation (Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: KOBAYASHI Kazutoshi) has donated approximately 150,000 cosmetic products through the Nippon Foundation (Minato-ku, Tokyo; Chairman: SASAKAWA Yohei) to support personnel fighting the new coronavirus infection at medical facilities nationwide.
Set of donated products
- Cosme Decorté / Prime Latte Mask, Vita de Rêve Mask
- Addiction / The Eyeshadow Quad Palette
- Sekkisei / White Cream Wash Treatment Cleansing Oil
- Esprique / Synchro Fit Pact UV
- Visée / Make-up kit (eye color, blush, and lipstick) and other assorted items from a total of 150,000 items
We launched a project, “You are my HERO,” to support personnel working in the medical field.
We have heard that personnel working in the harsh medical field face a great deal of mental and physical strain and stress and various cosmetic problems such as dryness, chafing against masks, and rough, dry skin due to continuous sleeplessness and irregular hours. This project aims to praise the courage of everyone working in the medical field, express gratitude and respect, and as a company that supports beauty, donate our cosmetic products in the hope that our cosmetics will help soothe their skin and ease their tired minds.

In addition, we released a promotional video that expresses our gratitude, respect, and support for medical personnel today.”Hero” by AMURO Namie, who retired in 2018, is used for the music in the video, and the message of her feelings is given to the scenes, including interviews of professionals who are heroes fighting in the medical field.
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- Response to the Heavy Rainfall in July 2020
July 20, 2020
Support for the people in the affected areas
KOSÉ has decided to provide emergency supplies as follows to help victims. We will deliver supplies as needed while cooperating with the government, industry groups, and local governments.
Relief supplies
- Body sheet (for those who cannot take a bath)
Product Name: “Fresh Care Body Clear Towel” – 3,408 units (Distributor: Kose Cosmeport Co., Ltd.) - Dry Shampoo (for those who cannot take a bath)
Product Name: “STEPHEN KNOLL Dry Shampoo (80g)” – 540 units (Distributor: Kose Cosmeport Co., Ltd.) - Moisturizing Lotion (for daily skin care)
Product Name: “Medicated Sekkisei (140mg)” – 1,024 units (Distributor: Kose Cosmeport Co., Ltd.) - Moisturizing Emulsion (for daily skin care)
Product Name: “Sekkisei Essential Souffle (140mg)” – 1,000 units (Distributor: Kose Cosmeport Co., Ltd.)
We will continue to consider support measures tailored to the situation in the affected areas.
We sincerely pray for the recovery of the affected area as soon as possible.
- Response to pneumonia caused by new coronavirus
May, 2020
“Beauty is an ally of humanity” KOSÉ’s efforts to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection
We would like to send our deepest condolences to the victims and all those who have beenaffected by the new coronavirus. In addition, we would like to express our sincere gratitude and respect to all medical professionals who are devoted to treatment and infection prevention in this harsh situation, and to those who are engaged in the supply of goods thatsupport daily life and the maintenance of our social infrastructure.
The KOSÉ Group places the highest priority on ensuring the safety of customers, business partners and employees, and is taking measures to prevent the spread of infection. In addition, the group will continue to actively cooperate with the government in the prevention of the spread of infection as much as we can by making the most of our manufacturing technology, and by providing alcohol-containing hand sanitizer to help those people engaged in prevention. Furthermore, this kind of situation reminds us that the mission of cosmetics and beauty is to provide enjoyment and relaxation to our lives, thereby providing peace of mind.
Humankind has a history of confronting and overcoming epidemics many times in the past. This time, while again being in awe of the natural threat of viruses, we will surely overcome these threats through the efforts, solidarity, and cooperation of the people of the world. Through overcoming this hardship, it will be a turning point for people all over the world to look forward, unite, help each other, and create an opportunity to reassess what is truly important. We believe that this new wonderful world will be the actual result that humanity will obtain by overcoming this challenge.
“Beauty” is an ally of humankind in any situation. As a creator of beauty, KOSÉ will continueto share all the wisdom related to beauty, and will continue to work with everyone for thefuture of people around the world and our precious earth.
May 2020
Kazutoshi Kobayashi
President & CEO KOSÉ Corporation
- Response to pneumonia caused by new coronavirus
April 6, 2020
Providing alcohol-containing hand sanitizers free of charge to nursery schools to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections
We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to all the victims of infectious diseasesrelated to the new coronavirus that is occurring worldwide.
KOSÉ Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazutoshi Kobayashi), as a partof measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infectious diseases, has decided toprovide alcohol-containing hand sanitizer to nurseries free of charge. We will urgently makepreparations to help prevent the spread of infection through measures to increase handhygiene for nursery teachers and young children.

- Target: Nursery facilities and the like.
- Content: Hand sanitizer with alcohol
- Timing: Available from mid-April
- Quantity: 30,000 or more
We plan to provide through Child Inc., which conducts business with childcare facilities.
We do not plan to sell this alcohol-containing hand sanitizer to the general public.
In the future, we will continue to consider various measures to prevent the spread of newcoronavirus infections while quickly responding to changes in the situation.
About Child Inc.
For about 70 years since its establishment in 1948, Child Inc. has been planning, selling, and providing products and services related to education and childcare, including children’sbooks, with kindergartens, nursery schools, and child welfare facilities as its customers. In addition, in the fields of office processing and computer software development and sales forclerical works as well as IT related devices, the company boasts the largest market share inthe industry.
- Response to pneumonia caused by new coronavirus
March 30, 2020
Regarding the extension of the period of measures against new coronavirus infectious diseases and strengthening of efforts
KOSÉ Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazutoshi Kobayashi) hasestablished a countermeasures headquarters within the company in response to the spreadof new coronavirus infections to ensure the safety of customers, business partners, andemployees.
At this point, we have announced the measures for the period until March 31, 2020 asresponses for the immediate future, and have proceeded with these measures. However,there are still important phases in which an optimistic view cannot be allowed. In the future,we plan to strengthen various measures while quickly responding to ongoing changes inthe situation without dividing the measures target period.
Specifically, we will further strengthen and thoroughly implement each of the safetymeasures announced up until now by considering various requests issued bymunicipalities, such as Tokyo, including work review for further expansion of telework andinvesting additional IT and other related methods to enhance the meeting environment viathe Web.
The KOSÉ Group will continue to give top priority to preventing the spread of infection andensuring the safety of our customers, business partners, and employees.
- Response to pneumonia caused by new coronavirus
March 16, 2020
Regarding the extension of the period of measures against new coronavirus infectious diseases
KOSÉ Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazutoshi Kobayashi) hasestablished a countermeasures headquarters within the company in response to the spreadof new coronavirus infections to ensure the safety of customers, business partners, andemployees.
The countermeasures announced on March 3, 2020 were to be implemented until March 20, 2020, but we have decided to extend the period until March 31, 2020, as the current situation is extremely important to prevent the spread of infection.
And the period will be extended and the content will be reviewed as needed in consideration of the situation.
In the future, we will continue to take swift countermeasures and responses based on thegovernment’s policy, placing the highest priority on preventing the spread of infection andensuring the safety of customers, business partners, and employees.
- Response to pneumonia caused by new coronavirus
March 3, 2020
Regarding measures of our company against new coronavirus infectious diseases
KOSÉ Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President: Kazutoshi Kobayashi) hasestablished a countermeasures headquarters within the company in response to the spreadof new coronavirus infections and ensured the safety of customers, business partners, and employees.
We have decided the following guidelines and measures based on the government policy, as we are aware that the next one to two weeks is a very important period for preventing the spread of infection.
Principles and measures
Aiming at preventing the spread of new coronavirus infections, we will reduce the number of employees (the number and frequency) coming to the office by approximately two-thirds.Specifically, we will strive to curb the situation by combining the following measures at eachbusiness site in Japan.
- Promotion of working from home (utilization of telework and the like.)
- Promotion of staggered work attendance (promotion of work from home and encouragement to take paid leave)
- Recommending sales reps to go home directly after sales calls
In addition, our company will utilize the super flextime system (no core time) to prevent commuting during rush hours, promote time-shifting, cancel or shorten each meeting/business discussion and group training, or switch to web conferences and/or conference calls. In principle, we will prohibit overseas and domestic business trips and transfers between business offices (between head office, research center, factories, branches, etc.) and internal/external parties/banquets and social gatherings to minimize therisk of infection.
These measures will be taken until March 20, but the period will be extended and the content will be reviewed as needed in consideration of the situation.
Furthermore, towards the temporary closures of schools and the like across the country, wewill work flexibly with those whom this affects using the above mentioned-measures, such as promoting working from home, and holding our company entrance ceremony and company orientation, which take place in March and April, via video distribution using the Web.
On the other hand, for the in-store activities of makeup professionals (beauty department staff), safety is the top priority, so touch-ups and verbal solicitation activities are prohibited, and the practice of disinfecting hands and fingers with alcohol and wearing masks to strengthen preventative efforts continues in all areas.
At present, no person, or any member of their family, who works in our offices has been confirmed as infected in Japan or overseas. If an infection is confirmed, we will promptly take measures based on the doctor’s diagnosis and the guidance of the public health center. For affected persons and those in close contact with an affected person, they should wait for two weeks at home regardless of the presence of symptoms.
In the future, we will continue to take swift countermeasures and responses based on thegovernment’s policy, placing the highest priority on preventing the spread of infection andensuring the safety of customers, business partners, and employees.
Related Press Release (JP)(PDF:247KB)- Response to pneumonia caused by new coronavirus
January 31, 2020
Measures to prevent infection by new coronavirus in stores
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those affected by the new coronavirus infectious disease that has occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
KOSE Co., Ltd. has decided to take the following measures at some stores for the time being to take into account the health and safety of customers and employees when serving customers at stores and to prevent further spread of infection.
Correspondence contents
- Alcohol disinfection of fingers before and after customer service by our employees
- Wear masks of our employees
- Self-restraint of activities where our employees directly touch the skin of customers
We apologize for the inconvenience and inconvenience of our customers and other business partners, but we appreciate your understanding.
Related Press Release (JP)(PDF:194)- Response to pneumonia caused by new coronavirus
January 31, 2020
Contributions to China to respond to pneumonia caused by new coronavirus
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those affected by the new coronavirus-related infectious disease that has occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
Kose Co., Ltd.’s local subsidiary in the People’s Republic of China, Takashi Cosmetics Sales (China) Co., Ltd., has decided to contribute 1 million yuan to contribute to the treatment of infectious diseases related to the new coronavirus. I will let you know.
I pray for the quick recovery of the victims.