Sustainability Report 2012
The KOSÉ Group started to publish its Environmental Report in 2000. Renamed the Sustainability Report in 2005, its purpose was to serve a major tool of corporation communication and provide stakeholders with information on the Group’s efforts. Since 2011, the reports have been available both on the website and as a brochure. The online edition contains detailed information, including data on actual performance, while the brochure contains information in digest form, mainly about issues of particular interest to stakeholders. In collecting data and editing this report, we referred to the Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2007 and the Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005, both issued by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, as well as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines Ver. 3.0.
History of KOSÉ (PDF:386KB)
Top Message/Efforts to Protect the Environment and Biodiversity (PDF:409KB)
SEKKISEI SAVE the BLUE Project/ COSME DECORTE Desert Greening Project (PDF:2.14MB)
Environmental Policy/Promotion of Environmental Activities (PDF:446KB)
Together with Customers/Together with Business Partners/Together with Shareholders/Together with Local Communities/Together with Employees/Corporate Profile (PDF:1.28MB)