CSR Report 2015
The KOSÉ Group started to publish its Environmental Report in 2000. Renamed the Sustainability Report in 2005 and then renamed the CSR Report in 2013, its purpose was to provide stakeholders with information on the Group’s efforts. From this year, we have started identifying CSR issues that are important to our company and the report is structured according to these identified issues. The report is available both as a brochure and on the website. The brochure contains issues of particular interest to stakeholders while the online report contains comprehensive information, including on highly specialized issues such as environmental accounting.
President’s Message (PDF:539KB)
Close-up 1 Wisdom and Beauty for People and the Earth: Protecting the Environment in Asia through the “SAVE the BLUE” Project (PDF:1.26MB)
Close-up 2 Disaster Recovery Assistance to the Tohoku Region: Assisting Fukushima in Tohoku through the “Fukushima Sakura Project” (PDF:615KB)
01 KOSÉ, a Company Creating Beauty with the Highest Priority on Safety and Security (PDF:615KB)
02 Protect the Global Environment by Saving Resources and Energy (PDF:659KB)
03 Practice of the CSR Supply Chain Management (PDF:455KB)
04 Develop Human Resources and Improve the Work Environment (PDF:501KB)
05 Harmony and Co-existence with Local Communities (PDF:523KB)
06 CSR Management (PDF:396KB)
List of CSR Action Goals (PDF:185KB)
Editorial Policy
Reporting period
Fiscal Year 2014 (April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015)
*Some information included is outside of the reporting period.
Reporting scope
Activities of KOSÉ Corporation and KOSÉ Group companies
Reference Guidelines
- The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines 4
- Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2012 (The Japanese Ministry of the Environment)