The KOSÉ REPORT consists of the following two parts:
- Corporate Profile (first half)
- CSR Report [Digest Version] (second half)
Our corporate report has been reorganized in such a way as to help a wide range of stakeholders better understand the KOSÉ Group, and has been given a new title.
With regard to the CSR Report, the following changes have been made:
- With the focus on our latest major activities and the stance taken by the KOSÉ Group, the brochure provides only essential information presented in a concise and easy-to-understand way. More detailed data and in-depth information are available in the online version.
- The CSR Report is available in three languages: Japanese, English and Chinese (simplified Chinese characters), as is the Corporate Profile.
Corporate Profile
Corporate Profile(PDF:9.55MB)
At a Glance & Corporate Information(PDF:1.19MB)
CSR Report [Digest Version]
CSR Report [Digest Version] (Batch Download) (PDF:13.12MB)
KOSÉ CSR Policy(PDF:1.28MB)
Special issue I 8th year of “SAVE the BLUE” project/ Special issue II Various efforts to promote sports(PDF:4.69MB)
Consumer issues Satisfying customers with the finest quality/ The environment Protect the global environment by saving resources and energy/ Fair operating practices Practice of the CSR Supply Chain Management(PDF:2.57MB)
Human rights/Labor practices Together with our employees/Community involvement and development Harmony and co-existence with communities/ Corporate Governance CSR Management(PDF:6.89MB)
Editorial Policy
The KOSÉ Group in 2000 published its first Environmental Report, which was renamed the Sustainability Report in 2005 and again renamed the CSR Report in 2013, to provide stakeholders with information on the Group’s efforts. For fiscal 2016, we have, for the first time, integrated our corporate profile and CSR Report into one report, named the KOSÉ REPORT. The KOSÉ REPORT is designed to provide as many people as possible with information about our CSR activities and the details of our policies, and is available in three languages.
Issued in
September 2016
Period covered regarding CSR information
Fiscal 2015 (April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016)
* A portion of the information included is outside of this target period.
Organization covered
The activities included are those of KOSÉ and the KOSÉ Group.
Structure of communication tools
In addition to this report, we are introducing features on KOSÉ and publishing an ANNUAL REPORT (English), which mainly brings together financial information for the most recent fiscal year. These are also published on our website in more detail. All of our communication tools strive to communicate the beliefs and initiatives of KOSÉ to our stakeholders in a timely and easy-to-understand manner.