(Integrated Report)
The KOSÉ Report provides our financial information as well as non-financial information including management policies, strategies for sustainable growth, and the basic idea behind to accelerate stakeholders’ understanding for our activities. In FY2022, the period covered by the report, signs of a gradual recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic are beginning to appear around the world, and we recognize that the diverse needs of society are becoming more apparent in the business environment surrounding the KOSÉ Group. In the midst of this environment, the KOSÉ Group has maintained its unwavering commitment to being a “Beauty Creation Company,” and clarified more than ever before its corporate stance of being close to each and every customer. We also continue to provide the world with the essential value of cosmetics to “add color and moisture to people’s lives and brighten the world” under the keyword “3G,” an acronym for “Global, Gender, and Generation”. We hope you will take a look at our efforts to combine “intelligence” and “sensitivity” to realize “beauty for each and every one” around the world and sustainable corporate growth.
For more information about Investor Relations and Sustainability, visit the corresponding pages on our website.
Period: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022
Subject: KOSÉ, its subsidiaries, and affiliates
Issued in
July 2023
“KOSÉ REPORT 2023 (Integrated Report)” contains the following information:
For a Beautiful Future
The People Who Make KOSÉ Work
KOSÉ at a Glance
Sustainable Story(PDF:5.32 MB)
Message from CEO
The KOSÉ Group’s Sustainable Growth Process
Recognition of the External Environment and Identification of Material Issues
KOSÉ Sustainability Plan
Management Team
Message from External Directors
Corporate Governance
Medium-to-Long-Term Strategies and Our Initiatives(PDF:4.00 MB)
Overview of Medium- to Long-Term VISION2026
Financial Capital Strategy
Strategy by Brand
Progress in FY2022 toward the Sustainability Plan
External Evaluations
Financial and Non-Financial Highlights
10-Year Summary of Selected Financial Data
3-Year Summary of Selected Non-Financial Data
Principal Group Companies
Corporate Information/Stock Information