KOSÉ REPORT 2018 (Integrated Report)
This year, we have integrated conventional reports (“Annual Report” for investors and “KOSÉ Report” containing company overview & CSR report) into a single new “KOSÉ Report (Integrated Report)”.The integrated report addresses the demand of investors associated with greater interest in ESG investment, and provides KOSÉ Group’s financial/non-financial information to all stakeholders in an organized, easy-to-understand way. For complete information including detailed data, refer to our CSR website.
- The report is written in English; Japanese version is available.
“KOSÉ REPORT 2018 (Integrated Report)” contains the following information:
About KOSÉ(PDF:2.64MB)
Strategies for Sustainable Growth(PDF:638KB)
Cornerstone of Value Creation(PDF:1.04MB)
Corporate Governance(PDF:234KB)
Financial Information(PDF:125KB)
Principal Subsidiaries, Corporate Information/Stock Information(PDF:119KB)
Editorial Policy
In 2000 the KOSÉ Group published the first “Environmental Report.” The report was renamed to “Sustainability Report” in 2005, then to “CSR Report” in 2013 to provide all stakeholders with information on the Group’s efforts. In order to provide information about our CSR activities and policies to wider range of audiences, we integrated our company overview and CSR report into one “KOSÉ Report” from the 2016 issue. Now with the 2018 issue, we further combined financial information traditionally provided by “Annual Report” and non-financial information including environmental/CSR information provided by “KOSÉ Report” as one “KOSÉ Report (Integrated Report).”The PDF version of the report is a summarized version so refer to our CSR website for details.
Issued in
August 2018
Effective period of CSR information provided
FY2017 (April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018)
*Some information included is not within the period.
Organizations included
Information about activities of KOSÉ and the KOSÉ Group are included.
Communication Tool Structure
KOSÉ is publishing the report to communicate our beliefs and initiatives to a wider range of stakeholders in a timely, easy-to-understand manner.