KOSÉ REPORT 2020 (Integrated Report)
KOSÉ Report provides our financial information as well as non-financial information including management policies, strategies, and the basic idea behind to accelerate stakeholders’ understanding for our activities. The 2020 Report is covering specific activities we achieved in 2019 including our efforts for creating unique values as well as “KOSÉ Sustainability Plan” which is a summarization of our targets and plans for the future of “People” and “the Earth.”
For more information about Investor Relations and Sustainability, visit the corresponding pages on our website.
Period: April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020
*Some contents out of the term are included.
Subject: KOSÉ, its subsidiaries, and affiliates
Issued in
July 2020
“KOSÉ REPORT 2020 (Integrated Report)” contains the following information:
KOSÉ’s Value Creation(PDF:1.58MB)
Message from the President
The Path of Value Creation
Value Creation Process
Feature 1:Strengths of the KOSÉ Group
Brands at a Glance
Financial and Non-Financial Highlights
President’s Commentary on Strategy
Feature 2:Value Creation by the KOSÉ Group
Strategies by Region
Sustainability Activities
For People
For the Earth
Mind to Follow the Right Path
Corporate Governance(PDF:447KB)
Messages from External Directors
Corporate Governance
Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members / Career Histories
10-Year Summary of Selected Financial Data
Principal Group Companies
Corporate Information / Stock Information